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Jesse Coburn v. New York City Department of Investigation

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The Clinic represents Streetsblog NYC and its investigative reporter, Jesse Coburn, in a lawsuit against the New York City Department of Investigation to obtain documents that Coburn sought in a request under the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). The documents relate to the background and qualifications of a key city official. Even though New York law establishes that the public has a right to see the documents he requested — amounting to no more than a resume and list of educational achievements — the Department denied Coburn's request. As the Clinic explained in its memorandum of law, the Department's denial undercuts the core purpose of FOIL, which is intended to promote an open, democratic government by helping members of the public keep tabs on agencies and officials. The Clinic argued that the Department of Investigation is misapplying FOIL's privacy exemption and improperly trying to maintain secrecy over information that is critical to helping the public understand the qualifications of its government leaders.

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